

SLOW RACE – The last rider to the finish line is the winner.

Have the riders line up with wheels behind a row of cones and yell go. They need to travel in a straight line to the finish line. If they put a foot down, they are out.

Skills practiced: Standing Up, Ratcheting, Braking, Bike/Body Separation.

FOOT DOWN – The last person riding is the winner.

Set up a perimeter using cones. Have everyone start riding within the border. Slowly shrink the border to increase difficulty. If a rider puts a foot down, they are out—no touching other riders.

Skills practiced: Standing Up, Ratcheting, Braking, Trackstand, Bike/Body Separation.

BIKE LIMBO – The last person riding is the winner.

Have two people hold a Pool Noodle for the riders to ride under. Have the riders ride under the pool noodles as low as they can without putting a foot down or touching them.

Skills practiced: Neutral, Ready, Bike/Body Separation, Braking.

FREEZE TAG – The last person riding is the winner.

Set up a perimeter using cones. Have everyone start riding within the border. The instructor walks around tagging riders. Once tagged, the riders must trackstand until another rider rides next to them and tags them free.

Skills practiced: Trackstand, One-hand riding, Bike/Body Separation.

COW-PIE – The last person riding is the winner.

Set up a perimeter using cones. Then, spread out a bunch of cones (cow pies). Have everyone start riding within the border and avoiding the cow pies. They are out if a rider touches a cone (cow pie).

Skills practiced: Rock Dodge, Trackstand.

TRACKSTAND – The person holding a Trackstand the longest wins.

Set up a perimeter using cones. Have everyone start at the same time and start a timer. Riders are not allowed to bounce or roll. When you get down to less than half the group of riders make it harder having riders remove one hand from the handlebar, the one foot from a pedal.

Skills practiced: Trackstand, Bike/Body Separation, Braking.

HOT POTATO – The last person riding is the winner.

Set up a perimeter using cones. Have everyone start riding within the border. The instructor passes out a colored cone (the potato) to one rider. The instructor then sets a 30-second timer and yells, “Hot Potato,” the rider with the cones needs to pass the cone to another rider. If the cone is dropped, both riders are out, and the cone is passed to a new rider. No passing to the same rider. To make the game harder, shorten the time the rider can hold the potato.

Skills practiced: Trackstand, Bike/Body Separation, Braking.

WHAT WAS THAT? – Riders practice looking back to identify an object.

Set up a cone runway. Have everyone line up single file. The instructor stands at the exit with their back to the riders. The riders ride past the instructor and perform a shoulder check by looking back and identifying an item on a flash card.

Skills practiced: Bike/Body Separation, Shoulder checks.

HIGH-FIVE – Riders practice one-handed riding at different speeds.

Set up a cone runway. Have everyone line up in single file. The instructor stands at the exit facing the riders. The riders approach single file at different speeds and high-five the instructor as they pass by.

Skills practice: Neutral, Ready, Bike/Body Separation, One-hand riding, Braking.