
How To Start A Local Youth Afterschool Ride Club

  1. Find a Coach/ Ride Leaders (we can help)
  2. Talk with your local trail authority/land managers
  3. Talk with your local elementary school administration
  4. Form a USA Cycling Club
  5. Create a Club Packet

Find a Local Coach/Ride Leader

It is important to set your club up for success. Find local coaches and ride leaders who are eager to help support local youth afterschool club rides. Ensuring that your coaches and ride leaders have the training and knowledge to lead safe group rides.

Talk with Your Local Trail Authority/Land Managers

You have the goal of introducing more youth to mountain biking. Create a detailed written plan of your ideas. Map out what trails you would use and the frequency. Working with your local trail authority/land managers to gain permission for trail access. Building this relationship can be key to creating a community of young trail ambassadors. No dig – No ride.

Talk with Your Local Elementary School Administration

Meet with your local elementary school administration, principal, and PE teachers. If you have children that attend that school, it should be easy to share your ideas. If you do not have children that attend your local elementary school, work with neighbors and friends, to help make the introduction. Come prepared with your detailed written plan. Support letters and written permissions from your local trail authority.

Form a USA Cycling Club

USA Cycling makes it easy to enjoy the benefits of sanctioning, we recommend working with them:

  • Liability Insurance
  • Free Youth USA Cycling Membership
  • SafeSport background checks

 Create a Club Packet

The more information you can share the better. Be thoughtful and well organized. Recruit coaches and ride leaders.

The Organizer

You will need to have someone very detailed orientated to take charge. Key items to consider once you have the permission from the trail authority and the local schools to start:

  • Do you have liability insurance?
  • Do you have enough volunteers to lead rides?
  • Key paperwork? EAP, registration forms, waivers? (The BICP Ride Leader course explains these forms in detail)

Be Friendly

Open your club to the community by hosting ‘ride with a student’ days where students are encouraged to bring new friends to fun rides and share what they have learned.